Type system

The Alloy language is notably flexible, and so is its type system. Alloy’s type system was designed to detect three types of errors that can occur in relational expressions:

  • arity errors, when an operator is applied to relations of incorrect or mismatching arities;

  • irrelevance warnings, when an expression always yields an empty set regardless of the instance and thus is irrelevant;

  • ambiguity errors, when the type system cannot disambiguate between various overloaded relations.

Arity errors

In Alloy, all relations must have a uniform arity greater than 0 (i.e., all its tuples must have the same positive arity). A first consequence of this, is that relational operations union +, intersection &, difference - and override ++, are only well-typed if applied two to relations of the same arity. For instance, the following throws an arity error, since File is unary and entries binary.

no File + entries

To ensure the positive arity, you also cannot compose two relations of arity 1 (recall that the composition of an n-ary and an m-ary relation results in a relation of arity n+m-2). So formulas such as the following are invalid in Alloy.

all o : Object | o.Dir

Finally, some operators can only be applied to relations with a specific arity. Namely, the transpose ~, transitive closure ^ and reflexive transitive closure * can only be applied to binary relations, while the domain restriction <: and range restriction :> require a unary relation on the left-hand and right-hand side, respectively.

Irrelevance warnings

Alloy allows relations between different signatures to be combined, as long as they have the same arity. For instance, even though field entries is only defined for directories, we’ve actually applied it to arbitrary objects in the fact no_indirect_containment, by calculating the closure of entries.object: it just happens that entries will return an empty set for files. Likewise, expressions such as Object.entries are also perfectly acceptable. You can also put together atoms of signatures that are completely unrelated. The union Object + Name is a valid expression even though objects and names belong to distinct top-level signatures. And (Object + Name).entries is also acceptable, although it is not particularly useful since only the Dir atoms of Object will contribute to the final result.

Concerning “mismatching” types, Alloy type system only reports warning to the user when an expression will necessarily result in the empty set, and in which case it is considered irrelevant. For instance, suppose we add the following fact to our model.

fact irrelevance_warning {
  no Dir.name

If we now execute any command we would get a warning: the Analyzer refuses to execute the command and tells us that the . operator will always yield an empty set.


You’ll get similar warning if you write an expression such as Dir & File, since the two relations being intersected are always disjoint. This warning issued by Alloy’s type system is one of the advantages of using extends to declare disjoint subset signatures, instead of relying on in and additional facts.

Note however that this is merely a warning to the user, and that the Analyzer can actually still execute the requested command. By default that option is disabled, but you can enable it through menu option Options ‣ Allow warnings. This will also allow models with other kinds of warnings to be executed (such as unused variable warnings). But in general irrelevance warnings are most likely specification errors made by the user and should be fixed. For instance, Dir.name could be a mistake easily introduced by a distracted user. If the user effectively wants to write an expression that always denotes an empty set, then the special constant none should be used instead, making that intention explicit.

To detect irrelevant expressions, Alloy type system calculates an expression bounding type, an upper-bound on the value of that expression. If that bounding type is empty, the expression is irrelevant and a warning is thrown. Bounding type inference is guided by the abstract syntax and is bottom-up. What is interesting is that the type inference uses the same operators as the expressions for which the type is being inferred, but rather than manipulating tuple sets of atoms, it manipulates tuple sets of types.

The type of an expression is a tuple set of atomic types. There is an atomic type A for every extension signature A that is not extended further. For a non-abstract signature A that has some extension, an atomic type is also created to denote the atoms that do not belong to any of its extensions. This remainder atomic type is denoted by $A. For our example, the atomic types corresponding to declared signatures are Root, File, Name and Entry, while $Dir represents the remainder directories (i.e., directories other than the root).

The bounding type of each signature and field is then specified by a tuple set of atomic types. The bottom-level signatures simply have its own type. For instance, File has type {(File)} and Name type {(Name)}. Other signatures have a type that is the union of its sub-signatures. So for our example, Dir has type {(Root),($Dir)} and Object type {(Root),($Dir),(File)}. The bounding type of fields is defined in a similar way considering the type of the related signatures. For instance, name simply has type {(Entry,Name)}, while entries has type {(Root,Entry),($Dir,Entry)}. The bounding type of an expression is calculated by directly applying the operation at the bounding type level. Below is the process for expression (Object + Name).entries. For each sub-expression, the application of the operator at the type level is shown to depict how the bounding type is calculated.





Object + Name

{(Root),($Dir),(File)} + {(Name)}




(Object + Name).entries



In the end, an expression (other than none) is considered irrelevant, if its bounding type an empty tuple set. For instance, below is the bounding type calculation for irrelevant expression Dir.name.








Ambiguity errors

Alloy models can contain overloaded fields as long as the type system is able to disambiguate which version is being called in each expression. Let us consider an alternative version of our file system model, where both field entries of directories and field object of entries happened to have the same name contents.

sig Dir extends Object {
  contents : set Entry

sig Entry {
  contents : one Object,
  name     : one Name

Commands such as the following are perfectly acceptable, because the Analyzer is able to infer that the relevant contents field in that case is the one for directories.

run not_ambiguous {
  some Root.contents

In fact, Alloy is able to disambiguate all occurrences of entries and object in the definitions of the system model after they are both renamed to contents. However, if you call field contents in a context that does not allow for disambiguation, you will get an ambiguity error due to multiple matches, such as in the command below.

run ambiguous {
  some contents

To perform this disambiguation, Alloy builds on the inference of the bounding types presented above to calculate the relevance type of an expression. After the bounding type of an expression is calculated, a top-down phase determines which expressions contributed to that bound. The relevance type of the outermost expression is its bounding type, and the relevance type of a sub-expression is the subset of its bounding type that contributed to the parent expression relevance type. Unlike the bounding type, the relevance type of an expression depends on the context it occurs, so the same expression can have different relevance types in different contexts. As an example, below is the calculus of the relevance types for expression (Object + Name).entries. For each expression, the bounding type is shown, and also the subset of that that corresponds to its relevance type.

(Object + Name).entries



Object + Name












So Name does not contribute to the final expression, nor does the File portion of Object.

To disambiguate between overloaded fields, the call to an overloaded field is replaced by the union of all fields with the same name. Then, when calculating the relevance type of the expression, if only one of those fields contributed to the final value, the overloading is disambiguated. Otherwise an ambiguity error is thrown. Below is the process for expression Root.contents.

Root.(contents + contents)






contents + contents









So the Analyzer infers that the contents of Object is the only one that contributes to the expression, so there is no ambiguity.

More information about Alloy’s type system can be found in [FSE04].

A note on predefined types

This chapter focused mostly on how Alloy’s type system deals with user defined signatures. But the reader may wonder if Alloy has any predefined types, such as integers or strings. And if that is the case, why haven’t we used, for instance, strings to represent names of objects in our file system example, instead of declaring a new signature Name?

Alloy does indeed have a couple of predefined types, namely signatures Int for (bounded) integers and String for strings. However, these types should be avoided as much as possible, because their semantics is substantially more tricky than that of regular signatures, and analysis can be confusing and somehow crippled when using them (in particular with strings).

The fact is that in many cases, the semantics of such signatures is just too rich for the intended use: for example, strings can be concatenated and there is the notion of one string being a substring of another, but for the file system specification none of this is of interest when specifying the abstract concept of a name. The only thing we will need in this case is to check for name equality, and normal signatures and atoms already provide us that basic semantics.

People also tend to use integers when they actually need something much simpler, semantics-wise. For example, we sometimes need to specify a signature where there is some total order imposed over its atoms and, at first sight, integers are very convenient for that. However, integers have a richer semantics than just being a total order, and we can easily axiomatise a total order on a regular signature with some simple facts and thus avoid the analysis drawbacks that come with using integers.

So, when should you use String or Int? The former has very little use, and actually, even if recognized by the Analyzer, is not even part of standard Alloy. The latter is sometimes useful, for example when you effectively need to perform arithmetic operations in the specification, such as additions or subtractions. The Int type is discussed in detail in a dedicated advanced topic.